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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Story of 'Shaddad' is one of a oppressive King

The Story of 'Shaddad' is one of a oppressive King (like Fairun, Qarun, Haman, Nimroud, Haroud etc). it goes like this...

The Prophet Abraheem (pbuh) in a conversation with Azrael (The Angel of Death) asked him "have you ever felt Mercy while taking a soul for God?", to which the Angel of Death replied "Yes, only Once". Abraheem was intrigued and so Azrael told him the story... Long ago a pregnant mother was giving birth to a child on a boat, I was ordered by God to take her Life while she was giving birth... I did as i was commanded and ask the ship began to sank, I said "and what of the Boy, O Lord?". I was commanded to let the Boy live by allowing him to float on a plank from the wreckage. I did as i was commanded by God but I could not help but feel sorrow for the poor Boy who had no hope of survival and no future. I wondered to myself 'Why does God allow him to live?'. 

Now.. That Boy was found floating on that wooden plank and rescued, the world would know him as "Shaddad". Many years later that Boy became a powerful King, God gave him wealth, power and knowledge but his greed would know no limits, he became a tyrant and oppressive to his people and unthankful towards God. He soon grew so hard hearted that he wished his people to worship Him as God! (astagfirullah) but the people protested, saying "Oh Shaddad! You are our King but you are not our God!" This made Shaddad angry and he wanted to know what would make him divine! 

To which the people replied "God gives Life and Death! God rewards the faithful with Heaven and the evildoers with Hell! Such is the power of God!" and so Shaddad ordered some servants brought before him and divided them into two groups, He then ordered his guards to kill the first group. When they had done as he had commanded he said "Do i not give Death?" He then ordered the second group to be killed, but as his guards were about to carry out his orders he said "Stop! Let them live!" and then turning to the people he said "Do i not(also) give Life? Now am I not your Lord?" But again the people protested and claimed a true God has a Heaven and a Hell to reward/punish. And so shadad ordered for a Heaven and a Hell to be made so he too could reward those close to him and punish his enemies. As his slaves went about making this Heaven as a beautiful Garden with women, wine and rivers of milk and honey and Hell as a large pit with fire, snake and scorpions Shadad was asked by someone close to him "Have you ever thought of death, O Shadad?". To which he replied "Yes", and so was further asked "and how would you like to have death?" to which Shadad cleverly replied "I would not like it while i was riding my horse, nor while i was on foot, nor would i like it when it was sunrise or sunset, and nor would i like it inside my Heaven or outside", Shadad smiled as he had used a metaphor to basically say he would never have death. 

Now as Shadads heaven was complete he prepared to enter it, but as he approached it - the sun was nither rising nor setting, it was in between, and he was not inside the Garden nor outside - he was in between and as he took one foot off the horse saddle to put on the ground.... 

The Angel of Death was commanded to take Shadad's Soul. After he had done so God told him that this Shaddad who declared himself God was the same Boy who had been saved all those years ago.


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